Wednesday 29 November 2017

Screenplay - Research Dossier

Competition Details:

One Eyed Dog films are looking for new film/TV projects to film. They are going to be taking unsolicited submissions from 08/01/18 - 28/02/18. It is free to submit an entry and the competition is open to all, no matter where you are. There is no set genre for the production.

What to submit:

The completed screenplay with a short synopsis


A TV pilot with a short treatment telling them roughly what will happen in other episodes.

How  to submit:

Name: ______ ______
Phone Number: ___________
Title of work: ______
TV / Film
Logline:________________________________ (No more than 20 words)
Synopsis:_______________________________ (No more than 500 words)

Submit the scripts to:
Conventions of Screenwriting:

Example of screenplay conventions:

Character Development:

Script:  The solemn dialog voice over connotes a sad atmosphere over the city. The empty streets, with no traffic in a huge city, and superman flying above the city in all black also help to strengthen this connotation. They label the influential members of the justice league, except batman, which connotes that batman is the one in the coffin.

Aired version:

Dialogue: ARROW S1EP1 - Crucible:

Unfortunately I was unable to find a formatted PDF file of this script, however I have found a versions of the script on a website called "Springfield!Springfield!", which I have been able to format using Celtx. I had originally planned to use this scene for the "Character Development" section above, as I feel that the scene really helps the audience see how the island effected Oliver, and how he is trying to keep other people safe. It also shows that Diggle isn't afraid to disagree with Oliver.

Oliver try's to stay strong and collected for the beginning of the scene, however the more Dig and felicity pushed, the more distressed he gets until he snaps/gets emotional, showing that although he is tough on the outside, and not afraid to go and fight a gang or armed criminals, he has a hard time explaining his feelings, and doesn't like to talk about his past.

The final product:

Scene Direction: FLASH S1EP1 - City of Hero's

In this extract the writers tell us exactly what they in-visage for what happens in the scene using  scene directions or "action". This helps not only the actors, but also the director and camera crew because they are given a foundation to start the shoot with. Reading the script also allows me to see what they removed/changed in the final product.

Aired Version:

Short Films:

Others Will Follow - SciFi Short from Andrew Finch on Vimeo.

T U M U L T from johnny barrington on Vimeo.

I chose these films because although they are very different plots/concepts, they have a similarity which is that they are both unusual stories.

"Others will follow" is a film with no dialogue from the main protagonist, only a voice over from the president of the united states through the public's televisions or radio's. We follow an Asian astronaut on a mission to mars which goes horrifically wrong leading to the majority of the crew to die. This film is emotionally hard hitting, and i believe that the main cause of this may be that there is no dialog. The who story is told visually, meaning that the script must have used a lot of scene directions to allow the director/cinematographer to know what they wanted to see.

On the other hand, "Tumult" is a film about 3 Norse worriers on the run - their chief is injured, and they come across a mini bus/small coach. Unlike the other film, which has a serious, somber tone the who way through, tumult has a series of comedic elements at the end of the film. This film has quite a lot of dialogue in it, and not only in English, but old Norse also.

Audience Research:

Demographic: A Demographic is a way of classifying a group of people with similar characteristics into a category to help media and marketing companies know their target audience. There are 6 major categories that are used in the demographic table, at the top - there is A - and the bottom -  E.

I have found that existing text's in a similar genre - such as ARROW and Jessica Jones - have target audience's of 18 - 35 year old women. At first I believed that this may be the target audience for my 10 minute short,  however, I believe that the reason that the show's audience is female may be because of the lead actor, Stephan Amell. I found a website which state "It's very clear the People in Charge are not ignoring this. I mean, we not only have Stephen Amell shirtless and working those muscles nearly every episode...". This leads me to believe that my target audience/ demographic will be both male and female between the ages of 17 - 25. I believe this because  although i have a similar genre/conventions as these shows, my main protagonist is female, who i believe that most young women either can relate to her in some way. I also believe that the male audience may watch it not only because of the genre that it is, but as it is a young women who is the main character, much as the main audience for arrow is female (However for obvious reasons there are no scenes such as described above.)

Psycographic: Similar to the demographic, psycographics are a means to divide their possible audience into segments.

My psycographic will be explorers as I believe that most people who fit into my demographic/target audience will use it as a way to experience something they hopefully never would in real life, and as an escape from the real world.

Primary Research:

Create your own user feedback survey

(Unable to insert print screens at this time)

Excising Texts:

Jessica Jones - Crime Drama/super hero show - is harassed by psycotic boyfriend who has the ability to control their will and make them into his "puppet" - urban city - dark and dingy

Arrow - Watched the women he loved die (3 times) and his father kill himself so he could survive. He does what he does to honor his father, as well as get justice for the women he loved, by either putting them in the ground (revenge) or gathering evidence and delivering him to the police.

Star City is full of criminals terrorizing the innocent, and to reflect this atmosphere it is useually quite dark and grimey, sometimes strengthened by rain.

Daredevil - Hell's kitchen is rife with gangs such as the Yakuza, Russian mob, kitchen Irish and the Mexican cartels, so (Much like Arrow) to represent this there is a slight blue tinge to the world, which is also dark and raining.

Production Research:


Common road  - The road where Sara dies (Option 1)

School Lane - The road where Sara dies (Option 2)

Throughout the film there will be themes of Private Investigators, which means I will need to research what types of evidence hold up in court, and how private investigators generally work (in movies/tv shows primarily). Private investigators are useually depicted as detectives who work alone and not always inside of the law. The main protagonist of my film, Jacklyn Harper,is not actually a PI, just a girl who took a law/public services course for 2 years and watches a lot of TV. She has a limited knowlage of the law, and what holds up in court, but lacks any real training or experience.

Examples of investigation's in film and television:

Evidence in court:
In legal terms, evidence covers the burden of proof, admissibility, relevance, weight and sufficiency of what should be admitted into the record of a legal proceeding.

From the research I have conducted, I have found that there are 4 main types of evidence used in court:

"Real Evidence" - tangible things (weapons / CCTV footage / clothing etc.)

"Demonstrative Evidence" - a demonstration of what likely happened at a given location and time

"Documentary Evidence" - a letter, blog post, or other document (autopsy reports, statements, confession etc.)

"Testimonial Evidence" - witness(s) testimony

However, these are not the only types of evidence used in court. Circumstantial evidence is where there needs to be links between a certain piece of evidence and the defendant or other evidence (such as fingerprints).

Private Investigator behavior in film and  television:

Example 1: Jessica Jones - Marvels Jessica Jones (Netflix Original Series)

When writing my character I was influenced buy not only the person who was involved in the incidents in real life, but i also used a lot of inspiration from Jessica Jones. She has trouble with socially interacting with anyone other than her adoptive sister, is an alcoholic and lives in her office.

When Jessica is on a case, she uses her camera to get proof of what her clients have hired her for, whether it was a man cheeting on his wife, or a missing person. She also follows her suspects and uses the internet to find documents and articles about the person involved.

My character is going to have files of images and autopsy reports, crime scene notes, finger prints and death certificates in her apartment, as well as a "Suspect wall" with images of suspected acquaintances of Christopher's, like in rizzoli and ilse's and the flash.


BBC - BBC Writers Room - (Accessed on 29/11/17)

Berlanti, G / Kreisberg, A / Guggenheim, M – - (Accessed on 28/11/17)

BigDproductions - slide share - (Accessed 02/01/18)

“Evil Dave” – Youtube - (Accessed 05/12/17)

Find Law - (Accessed 12/12/17)

“The Flash” – YouTube - (Accessed 12/12/17)

lurkerbynature - groupthink - (Accessed 02/01/18)

OEDF - One Eyed Dog Films - (Accessed on 29/11/17)

Script Library - (Accessed 01/12/17)

Script Library - (Accessed 01/12/17)

Short of the week - (Accessed 05/12/17)

Short of the week - (Accessed 05/12/17)

Writers Store - (Accessed on 29/11/17)

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