Monday 8 May 2017

Connotations Of Tv News Starting Sequences

Rushing / Moving Graphics:

Rushing  graphics connote an urgancy telling us that we should pay attention as we need to know what the news ancors are going to tell us. These graphics are often the title of the news show and/or the time that the show is on.

Throughout the clip above there are constant rushing graphics.

Transparent Objects/Eye's:

Into scenes often show what is behind the ancor using a glass screen to show the other workers collecting the infomation allowing the audience to see that is is "fresh news" and that the news show is not manipulating the infomation at all. Sometimes the name of the show will apear with a hollow center also connoting that they are impartial and have not manipulated the infomation.

Globe / Landmarks:

In most news show there will be at least 1 shot of the world connoting that they are going to be giving the audience global/international knews. Famous landmarks and areas will be shown to further inforce the idea that they are going to give you international news.


Clocks are used to tell you that it is live and is coming to you new. they are also used to represent the world.

Tech and Satellites:

Technology, such as sataites/radio towers/computers/televisions/phones are often used to show the audience that they are using all the resorces that they have access to, to get you the infomation that you need.

Beat-driven / fast-paced music:

Fast music, often using a lot of brass and "bassy" sounding instruments to connote urgancy and importants, and to draw your attention to make sure their audience is watching.

(Throughout clip at top of page)


Much like the music, a loud, deep voice, most commenly an authoritive male voice, is used to draw attention to the show.


News shows often use deep reds or dark blues as a contrast to a black or white background to draw the audiences attention. These colours are also often used in banks and offices, making it seem more profesional and important.

(See clip at top of the page)


Newsreaders are always there, ready to go on air, This connotes that the news is urgant and they want to get the news to you as quick as possible. They also wear suits to connote profesionallism. Male news ancors are often older than their female coworkers as in males age connotes maturity, where as in women age connotes loss of beauty.


News readers
Breaking News
Other Stills
BBC news intro clip

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